
Dah lama rasanya tak menulis di blog ni. Segala perancangan dan pembelajaran mengenai web dan aturcara tergendala disebabkan masalah dan tugas-tugas tertentu yang lebih utama. Harap-harap semuanya akan selesai tak lama lagi.

Wp Design

I guess i should start learning WordPress theme design. May be the best way to start is to customize TwentyTenFive theme.

Biography Video

I think it’s time to stop (temporary) learning about web stuff.
Need to settle down 2 biography videos.
I hate multimedia, but i have no

Embed Youtube Using Iframe

I think, every website or blog should use iframe code to embed Youtube videos.  Why?..because i can play it with HTML5 player in my IOS Device..haha

I just try the iframe code on my own other blog..link

“Better late than never …”


Too many amazing applications in Apple Store, so it’s difficult for me to make choices which one is the best.
After make some review, I decided to try out Phoster, an application to create posters and cards. Below is my first poster using this great app….